Meet Pravin!

11 more days to our Klang Valley Half Day workshop and we’ve talked to three core committee members who will be there on that day. Another dashing face to look out for is Pravin’s! A rising sophomore, he’s been integral in running the promotion efforts for the Klang Valley workshops. But enough from us; read more about him below!

Introduce yourself!

Pravin RJ-ing in a radio station

It’s funny that a lot of people know me by my dad’s name rather than mine. But I’m thankful to my dad for having such a name- it’s almost Japanese, but it’s not. Well hello, I’m Pravin KAMACHEE(told ya), a rising sophomore in Texas A&M University. I’m a typical Malaysian trying to compete with all the over-achievers in the US. Good food, sarcasm, tech stuff, comedy and community service are all my cup of teh tarik. Besides, I enjoy politics a little too. College years are probably the most valuable times of our lives, so let’s do everything to make this experience an even better one. And USAPPS is a way to elevate this experience!

What did you do in high school?

I played football in the school hallway (or corridor), got caught and received penalty marks. This happened in Form 4. Not exactly proud, but it was a good game you know. Apart from that, I was the President of the Interact Club in my school, Exco Member of the Interact Coordinating Council (ICC) Klang, Discipline Head for the Prefects (LOL I don’t know how this happened) and also the Drama Team Captain! Interact Club experience was totally priceless, probably the best part of my high school life. Owh, I debated too (love this man).

Do you remember much from your college application experience? Tell us a little about it!

A whole lot actually. My application process was pretty different from the others. As I was doing SAM, my finals and the application deadlines were all around the same time. Writing essays about myself in the night, and mugging organic chemistry the next morning was not cool! However, things turned out to be alright; I made a pretty good grade in SAM, and also got into some good colleges!

Why did you choose to apply to the US?

The flexibility. Though I have deep interest in sciences and engineering, a part of me always wanted to explore different things. The fear of choosing a career at an age where you can’t even vote, good Lord. Though going to the UK was more conventional for my family, I was stern about this decision, and I think this has been the greatest decision of my life. It was

Rotaract Scavenger’s Hunt

always hard for me to choose between my passion for engineering and arts. In high school, I was forced to choose one, but with an American education, I do not have to. I have enrolled in a an engineering program, with a flexibility of adding a minor in almost any field and also an option to switch to a whole new major. This way, I do not have to limit myself and think of the road not taken. Frankly, this is my American dream.

Favourite country? Favourite Malaysian food? Favourite bands/music/books?

I’ve not visited many, but my favourite would always be Malaysia. What beats nasi lemak and teh ‘O’ ais limau? I had a chance to watch Muse live in Houston and I don’t think any other

Muse concert stuff- “the most amazing, Muse”

concert would beat this. Diehard fan of Coldplay and The Script too! Harry Potter novels stand first and the rest is below. I do enjoy Paulo Coelho’s books as well.