Here’s a list of frequently-asked questions (FAQ) about our workshops and what we as USAPPS do. If you have a question that’s not answered here, feel free to drop us a line at admin[at], get a hold of us on FACEBOOK, or tweet us at TWITTER!
Where and when is your workshop this year?
Currently, we’re excitedly planning informative and enjoyable workshops for prospective students, parents, and teachers in Penang and the Klang Valley area! Watch for announcements on the dates and venues!
What is the difference between the Half Day workshop and 2-Day workshop?
The Half Day workshop presents an overview of a US tertiary education including;
a) The differences between a US, UK, Malaysia and an Australian education
b) The different paths that can get you to the US
c) Financing options including financial aids and scholarships
d) General application requirements
e) Student Life in the US
The 2-Day workshop explores every aspect of the half-day workshop in depth including;
a) Guides on how to fill in each application section i.e. personal essays, school forms, etc.
b) The different application systems
c) College admission interview techniques
d) It also features a forum consisting of seasoned & current admission interviewers.
Should I go to Half Day if I am already planning to come for 2-Day?
If you are not familiar with the US colleges yet; we advise that you come to the half day workshop to familiarize yourself with the systems and process. Then, you can choose to attend the 2-day workshop to learn more about the details on how to prepare a successful application.
If you are already familiar with US admission requirements; attending the 2-day workshop would suffice. That said, complete beginners are also welcome to attend our 2-day workshop.
Why is the Half Day free but 2-Day is RM20?
We try very hard to emulate the modus operandi of a non-profit organization; after all, we are only a group of volunteers who share a similar passion of sharing our US experience with other Malaysians. Keeping to this spirit, that is why our half-day workshops are free.
However, considering the significantly higher operational costs that we incur for the 2-Day workshop i.e. promotional material, transportation, food & beverages for our volunteer facilitators, we are forced to charge a minimal fee to make our events a reality.
We are constantly looking for potential sponsors. In the future, we are striving to make our 2-Day workshop a free event. If you would like to make a donation or know someone who would be interested, please send an email to admin [at]
Who are the facilitators? Are they experienced?
No doubt, you can bet that they are ;) We believe there is NO better resource to talk to about the US experience other than those who have done it before i.e. current Malaysian students in the US and Malaysian alumni from US universities.
Because they have gone through the process, they are able to share invaluable insights about the US education experience including how the application system works, student life, the opportunities available and the overall benefits and drawbacks. We do not sugarcoat our experiences; we say it like it is.
This is what we believe makes USAPPS unique and beneficial; first-hand experiences, from those who’ve done it before.
Where is USAPPS held and how often?
We organize a series of workshops annually around June-August. Typically, we have;
a) Two half-day workshops (1 in Penang and Klang Valley respectively) that is open to everyone;
b) A 2-Day workshop in the Klang Valley area for students and;
c) Two separate half-day workshops (1 for parents & teachers/counselors respectively) that are held simultaneously with the 2-Day workshop in the Klang Valley area.
Why do you keep doing USAPPS every year?
Because we love USAPPS and we love talking to prospective students! We also cannot resist Malaysian food and have to come back. :D