Meet Chien Teng!
Also joining Amanda as a facilitator in the Penang Workshop this 21st June is none other than Chien Teng! We are certainly glad to have her back this year.
Introduce yourself
Hi everyone! My name is Chia Chien Teng and I am a rising sophomore at Brown University. I am a potential double concentrator in Economics and International Relations.
Did you apply elsewhere? Why did you choose the US?
I applied to the UK as well, but chose the US ultimately for the flexibility the system provided as I wasn’t ready to commit entirely to a single field of study. This past year, I managed to gain a very holistic education by taking classes in object-oriented programming, poetry and Korean; it has enriched my experience here so much and I have absolutely no regrets!
Tell us about your transition to college
I am really blessed to have met some really diverse groups of people this past year, all of whom have helped make my transition to college a pleasant and loving one. I never once felt homesick because Brown became my home almost immediately.
Has the US changed you? If yes, how so?
The way I view the world – I am now a lot more passionate about human rights, women rights, sexual liberty and racial equality, things I didn’t care as much for before I went to the US. The youth activists here are really passionate about what they do and that has inspired me to do the same not just in the US but in Malaysia as well.